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julia friedman headshot
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Earlier this month, Midwest Energy News released its annual 40 Under 40, which “highlights emerging leaders through the region and their work in America’s transition to a clean energy economy.” Included in this auspicious list
workers caulking spaces around windows
Molly Graham |
October 16-20 is “Careers in Energy Week” for the state of Illinois.
funeral mourner laying flowers on a casket
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Dearly Beloved,
food processing facility in oregon
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Big Benefits... At a recent conference in Milwaukee hosted by M-WERC, the opportunities for reducing energy consumption at small- and medium-sized manufacturing facilities were touted repeatedly: Cost savings, productivity increases, improved worker safety and plant conditions, ext
just married sign
Alison Lindburg |
This toast was delivered by MEEA Building Policy Manager Alison Lindburg before the wedding of a fellow codes team member. We liked it so much, we wanted to share that lovin' feeling with you. 
industrial workers
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With increased constraints on our nation’s electric grid energy experts turn to large energy users to reduce energy waste and ensure long-term electric reliability. While the Midwest could benefit significantly from industrial energy efficiency, opt-out policies threaten to undercut that savings potential.
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One August afternoon, a few MEEAites embarked on a recon mission to gather data on smart devices in two major retailers of home appliances. Sadly, the budget didn’t approve our request for black turtlenecks and spy gear, so we had to make do with business casual.
Gregory Ehrendreich |
As a membership organization that includes utilities, businesses, advocates and government agencies, MEEA knows the power of collaboration.
International Falls Welcome Sign
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Ted Brokaw, now the Street/Water Commissioner for the City of International Falls, MN attended BOC in 2014 while he was working as the Head of Building and Grounds for the city.
columbus ohio at night
Staff |
For the last century, utilities that provided safe, reliable and affordable service could be reasonably assured of their continued profitability as long as the demand for electricity continued climbing and competing outside pressures were minimized.