Kentucky Building Energy Codes

Code Level

2009 IECC Model Residential Code vs. Kentucky's 2009 IECC Amendments

Requirement2009 IECC Model CodeKY 2009 IECC Amendments
Wall Insulation

R-value: 10/13

Must be insulated down to 10 feet below grade
or to the basement floor, whichever is less


R-value: 10/13

Must be insulated from the top of the basement wall below grade to the design frost depth (24-33”) in accordance with section R403.1.4 (N1101.2.1)


Authorized by – StatuteKRS Chapter 198B.050 enacted a mandatory Uniform State Building Code. Subsequent code changes have brought the building and residential codes and their energy chapters up to their current level.

Oversight – Building codes in Kentucky are overseen by the Department of Housing, Buildings & Construction, Division of Building Codes Enforcement.

Code Change Process – Regulatory and Legislative. Code changes are submitted to the Department of Housing, Buildings & Construction, who then send all suggested changes to the board, along with their recommendation. The board may amend the code at any time, as long as proper notice is given in accordance with KRS 13A. All changes to the code are then sent to the Legislative Research Commission for review and public comment before final adoption.

Code Change Cycle - No set cycle for adoption, however, proposed amendments to the existing code are reviewed approximately every six months.


Enforcement - Code enforcement is shared between local jurisdictions and the Division of Building Codes Enforcement. Local jurisdictions are required to follow the state codes and are not allowed to adopt or enforce other codes not referenced by the state codes. Plan review is done at the local level, while formal code interpretations are done at the state level. In the absence of a permit and inspection program on the local level, builders are still required to build to the minimum KRC requirements.

Implementation/Compliance Studies – Kentucky participated in the Department of Energy (DOE) funded Kentucky Residential Energy Code Field Study.

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