Minnesota Building Energy Codes

Code Level

2012 IECC Model Residential Code vs. Minnesota's 2012 IECC Amendments

Requirement2012 IECC Model CodeMN 2012 IECC Amendments
Wood Frame
Wall Insulation
R-value: 20+5 or
13+10 (CZ6/7)
R-value: 20 or
13+5 (CZ 6) 21 (CZ 7)
Foundation/Crawl Space Wall InsulationR-value:
15/19 (CZ6/7)
15/19 (CZ 6/7)*

*With exceptions - see the list of detailed code changes


Authorized by – Statute. The Minnesota State Building Code is found in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 326B. The Energy Code is authorized by Section 326B.118. Administrative rules for the residential energy code are found in Minnesota Administrative Rules 1322 and rules for the commercial code are found in Minnesota Administrative Rules 1323.

Oversight – The Energy Codes in Minnesota are currently overseen by the Department of Labor and Industry (DLI), Construction Codes and Licensing Division (CCLD).

Code Change Process – Regulatory. The state building commissioner, along with the Construction Codes Advisory Council, is responsible for reviewing and adopting model energy codes. Rules (i.e. code amendments) changes are reviewed by the Governor's office and the State Revisor's Office before being published in the State Register.

Code Change Cycle - Beginning with the 2018 edition of the model building codes, a code update is required every six years.


Enforcement – Local jurisdictions that have adopted the energy code are responsible for enforcing it in their jurisdiction, under the authority of the CCLD. The state building official has jurisdiction in areas that have not adopted the code municipally and where the commissioner determines that implementation and enforcement are not being done properly.

Codes Collaborative – The Minnesota Energy Code Compliance Collaborative, composed of building efficiency stakeholders, was developed in 2014 to facilitate compliance with building energy codes in the state.

Implementation/Compliance Studies – The Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) is conducting a three year commercial building energy code compliance study, specifically targeting high-impact energy code requirements. Information about the study can be found at the CEE website.

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