Wisconsin Benchmarking Policies

Wisconsin has two cities with a local benchmarking ordinance that affects commercial buildings.

Madison, WI

On March 7, 2023, the Madison Common Council unanimously approved the Building Energy Savings Code, which includes requirements for energy benchmarking and building tune-ups.

Title: Building Energy Savings Code

Date Passed: March 7, 2023

Date Updated: March 9, 2025

Policy Language: File #: 75280, Version: 2, Substitute, Amendments - March 2025

Assistance: FAQs, jprice2@cityofmadison.com


The Building Energy Savings Code, also often referred to as the Building Energy Savings Program (BESP), was adopted on March 7, 2023 to help large commercial building owners identify ways to increase energy efficiency, save money and reduce emissions. BESP requires non‐residential commercial buildings 25,000 sq. ft. and larger to benchmark their energy use once a year and provide a summary report to the City. BESP also requires non‐residential commercial buildings 50,000 sq. ft. and larger to "tune up" and report results every four years. For mixed-use buildings, only the non-residential portion counts toward the size threshold for the program.

Requirements for BESP will phase in over three years, starting in 2024. For benchmarking, the largest buildings would begin in June 2024, medium in June 2025, and smallest in June 2026. Building tune‐ups will also be phased in, with the largest buildings going first. The largest buildings are required to complete their first tune‐up by October 2026. 

City staff will provide training and support services such as free training events and a Help Desk to ensure building owners and managers understand how to successfully benchmark and tune‐up their buildings. They will also provide customized reports for building owners to better understand their building's performance and learn about potential energy efficiency improvements.

Madison previously had a voluntary public/private energy benchmarking program, which began in September 2015.

Milwaukee, WI

The City of Milwaukee passed the Efficient Buildings Benchmarking Program for public, commercial, and multifamily buildings in July 2024, making it the second city in Wisconsin to pass an energy benchmarking ordinance.  

Title: Milwaukee Efficient Buildings Benchmarking Program  

Date Passed: July 9, 2024  

Policy Language: Milwaukee Efficient Buildings Benchmarking Program

Assistance: Sustainable Commercial Buildings Guide – Environmental Collaboration Office, pritge@milwaukee.gov


The Efficient Buildings Benchmarking Program was passed on July 9, 2024, following a 14:0 City Council vote. The program fulfills the City’s 2023 Climate and Equity Plan goal to implement a mandatory commercial buildings benchmarking program. The ordinance requires property owners of commercial and multifamily buildings over 50,000 square feet and government buildings over 10,000 square feet to report their buildings’ annual energy consumption into the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Tool. The City’s Environmental Collaboration Office (ECO) plans to open a Help Desk and Commercial Buildings Resource Center to help property owners comply with the ordinance and improve the efficiency of their buildings.   

Compliance Deadline

Building Type

Building Size Threshold

June 30, 2025


10,000 square feet and larger

June 30, 2026

Commercial & Multifamily

50,000 square feet and larger