On April 29, MEEA held a Legislative Breakfast event at Café Moxo in downtown Springfield, IL. The breakfast, attended by around 40 participants, including several state legislators, showcased businesses and organizations implementing energy efficiency programs, highlighting in particular the economic benefit derived directly from such programs.
Jacob Preciado, the Construction Manager at the Archdiocese of Chicago, explained that in some of their churches the boilers are over 100 years old. Because the parishes all have to self-finance these improvements with a limited budget, utility rebates were vital for making upgrades possible.
Patty and Mike Hartnett, Co-Owners of Constructive Ideas, have expanded their business because of the Illinois Home Performance (IHP) and rebate programs. They explained to breakfast attendees how sealing a “leaky” home not only saves energy costs but also improves comfort.
David Bowman, Workforce Specialist at Lincoln Land Community College, talked about his experience working with Building Operator Certification (BOC) teachers and noted that BOC course offerings a draw for the college.
Kiersten Sheets is the Energy Solutions Implementer at Ruyle Mechanical Services, Inc. Kiersten discussed her company’s involvement in the Illinois Energy Now Program since 2011, which has enabled them to offset costs for energy efficiency projects for nine government buildings, 12 school districts (including a university), and two park districts – totaling $591,923.95 in reduced energy costs.
Anne Smith, the Executive Director of the Menard County Public Housing Association, and Freddie Perez, an Environmental Consultant with Project Green Chicago, also gave informative presentations on how energy efficiency has positively impacted their organizations.
Thank you to all the speakers, attendees and legislators who helped make this event a huge success! Your efforts show that investment in energy efficiency makes sense for our environment, our state and our wallets.