Meet the Inspiring Efficiency Award Winners - Marketing & Innovation

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Meet the 2019 Innovation and Marketing IEA winners and learn more about these dynamic programs.

Innovation - Focus on Energy's Strategic Energy Management Initiative

Focus on Energy’s customers are very familiar with and readily utilize our tried-and-true financial and technical offerings to improve their energy performance. The more innovative among them also recognize the need to move beyond a project-by-project mentality. The Wisconsin SEM Leaders Initiative was designed to help these customers do just that by applying the principles and practices of continuous improvement to their energy management efforts. While generating energy savings for the customer and the program is the primary goal of any offering, the Wisconsin SEM Leaders Initiative is distinguished from tried-and-true DSM offerings by its emphasis on building customers’ management best practices rather than identifying and funding immediate project opportunities. Today, 14 of the 27 participants are on track for or have already achieved ISO 50001 status.

  • Presenter: Presenter: Timothy Dantoin, Senior Engineer, Leidos Inc.

Marketing - Focus on Energy's Wisconsin Is In Campaign

Focus on Energy developed the “Wisconsin Is In” campaign to specifically highlight energy efficiency initiatives in rural communities throughout the state of Wisconsin. A 2016 study by the Focus on Energy Program Administrator found that rural areas were underserved, in some areas by more than 50 percent, in comparison to urban communities regarding incentives, technical resources and services, and other Focus on Energy program benefits. In an effort to improve rural customer inclusion and increase the demand for and implementation of energy-efficient measures, Focus on Energy partnered with Brand Cool (now Verdant), a marketing agency that specializes in energy efficiency marketing research and development, to form the “Wisconsin Is In” campaign that launched in January 2018.

  • Presenter: Jessica Wagner, Marketing & Communications Manager, Focus on Energy

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