MEEA Webinars

Accessing Utility Data – Electric, Gas and Water


2017-07-06T12:00:00 - 2017-07-06T13:00:00

Building benchmarking ordinances in the Midwest are gaining popularity, and some jurisdictions have faced challenges with access to data. Join MEEA in learning about examples and opportunities for streamlining energy data sharing for electric, gas and water consumption.


  • Alison Lindburg, MEEA
  • Brian Bowen, First Fuel
  • Kumar Jenson, City of Evanston
  • Kevin Bricknell, ComEd

BOC: Efficient Lighting Basics

Street lights

2017-03-20T10:00:00 - 2017-03-20T11:00:00

Building Operator Certification is proud to present this webinar. Participants earn 1 recertificationc credit. 

Ductless Mini-Split: The New Market Demand

2017-01-12T09:00:00 - 2017-01-12T16:00:00


In this webinar, attendees will get an overview of how a ductless mini-split heat pump works, control strategies, applications and how ductless and standard heat pumps compare.