MEEA Supports Energy Codes in St. Louis County

St Louis Arch

At the August 12th St. Louis County Building Commission Meeting, the Missouri Sierra Club Chapter and nineteen residents delivered a petition (in the shape of a home) in support of adopting the 2015 Residential International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) as written. In addition, the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA), as well as other technical experts in the field of healthy homes, Net-Zero Energy construction, home energy assessments and low-income communities, testified about the benefits the 2015 IECC will bring to St. Louis County and its residents.


This petition was delivered in response to weakening amendments that were proposed by the Home Builders Association (HBA) of St. Louis and Eastern Missouri and then accepted, with minor changes, by the Building Code Review Committee (BCRC).

These accepted amendments include making the window U-factor, wall insulation, ceiling insulation and basement insulation requirements of the 2015 IECC less stringent. Additional amendments include removing the requirement for the building energy certificate, blower door testing, duct testing and high efficacy lighting.

Energy Impact

MEEA determined the proposed Residential 2015 IECC is actually less energy efficient than the current St. Louis County 2009 Residential IECC, if the BCRC-accepted amendments are factored in. According to MEEA’s analysisif the county were to adopt the un-amended 2015 IECC, homeowners could expect to save approximately $436 annually; however, if the county were to adopt the 2015 IECC with current BCRC-approved amendments, homeowners could expect to spend an additional $152 annually, when compared to the current St. Louis County 2009 Residential IECC.

The BCRC is still reviewing the full suite of the 2015 International Building Codes, but they will send their final recommendations to the St. Louis County Building Commission upon completion. The building commission is expected to release a draft code and hold a public hearing for comments, which will likely happen in late 2015 or early 2016.

A full synopsis of the event can be found on these local news outlets:  St. Louis Public RadioSt. Louis Post-Dispatch, and St. Louis Construction News and Review.