As of July 1, MEEA began a new fiscal year, and welcomed Brandon Renaud, Utility Services Manager for City of Columbia Utilities, as Board Chair. Brandon had previously served as Board Treasurer for the last 3 years and is a longtime member of MEEA. We’re thrilled to have his leadership for the 2024 fiscal year and look forward to working with him and the larger Board to continue MEEA’s current successes and lay the groundwork for the future. Read on for a conversation with Brandon Renaud to learn more about his and the Board’s priorities for MEEA’s FY24.
Q: This is a time of transition for MEEA. What is most important for you and the board right now?
Currently, the board is focused on two things: 1. Hiring the new Executive Director and 2. Ensuring that MEEA continues to do great work in the interim.
The process for hiring a new ED is ongoing. Ensuring that we select the correct person is so important to the continued success of MEEA and the Midwest energy efficiency industry. MEEA has a strong reputation in energy efficiency policy, building energy codes, market solutions and workforce development. The new Executive Director will be responsible for taking up the mantle on this work as well as focusing on MEEA's growing DEI initiatives, pursuing new funding opportunities, and building coalitions to further MEEA’s mission, advancing energy efficiency and decreasing carbon emissions in all communities.
Q: What are you looking forward to accomplishing in the next year?
Within this time of transition, I see a lot of opportunity. I’m looking forward to working with the new Executive Director and offering support as they start their tenure and get their footing with the organization.
One of MEEA's strengths is its diverse and far reaching membership. As the industry continues to evolve and energy efficiency’s reach expands beyond traditional concepts, I know MEEA is keeping its finger on the pulse. I want to work with MEEA to continue increasing value for the members, so we are capitalizing on this influx of investment and attention into the industry. With so much opportunity in energy efficiency right now through federal funding, and innovative partnerships on the table, MEEA is primed to be a resource for members and lead as the industry grows.
Q: How do you envision working with MEEA’s staff and Board to advance energy efficiency in the Midwest?
MEEA has such an incredibly talented staff. The work that they are doing will have far reaching benefits including: expanding energy efficiency opportunities, reducing emissions, and ensuring everyone has an opportunity to access the benefits of the clean energy economy. I am continually impressed by the results they produce and the value they create for the organization and industry.
The Board has been more involved and meeting with the staff to assist in this interim period, and will continue to do so to offer guidance in the transition. The Board has been very impressed with the ability of MEEA’s staff to come together during this time to carry forward the shared mission of advancing energy efficiency for all.
With MEEA’s strategic plan running through 2025, the board will be working with the new Executive Director to evaluate MEEA’s ongoing initiatives and how the industry has been growing and changing to develop our next strategic goals. Under this current strategic plan, MEEA continues outreach and education to Midwest state energy offices, regulators and elected officials, advocating for adoption and compliance of updated energy codes, working to expand and diversify the EE workforce and broadening our expertise to emerging EE-related technologies and topics like heat pumps, decarbonization and indoor agriculture. As we look ahead, I foresee MEEA taking on a more prominent leadership role in the Midwest energy efficiency industry, facilitating important discussions and encouraging partnerships across the industry. I look forward to being a part of this next phase of MEEA.